We were originally commissioned to design this tile compass to replace a similar garden feature which had become badly damaged. It was a challenging project from the design through the various stages of production.
The tiled compass features the four cardinal points and four intercardinal points. A Tudor Rose circular tile hand made in bass relief features at the centre of the design, finished in a beautiful vibrant blue glaze.
To give a flavour of the work involved, each tile was hand pressed in stoneware clay and then individually cut to the shape from a template. Each point of the compass was hand carved and the glaze was specially designed to be non slip – ideal for outdoor use.
Fired to 1200°C, these stoneware tiles are completely frost proof and will therefore continue to look beautiful for years to come.
If you would like to commission a special piece please contact us at info@tilesofstow.co.uk
Compass size 1100x1100x20mm
Guide-price: £4000
Compass can be made to any size and price will vary accordingly
All our panels are hand painted to order, so they can be adapted to fit a variety of situations. You can choose any of the murals and panels illustrated, which we can adjust or adapt to fit the space that you want to tile.
Alternatively, you can commission us to paint a mural in the subject of your choice. We can work from photographs and pictorial information to create a mural combining as many elements as you want. To order, simply follow the instructions below or just call us on 01608 658993 to discuss your requirements.